When I become a Mechanical Enggineer, I ride a book by Jack J. Fridz: “Small and Mini Hydropower Systems”, McGraw-Hill Book Company, USA, 1984. He said: “Small and mini hydropower system appear to have an enormous potential, particularly in remote area of Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Irian Jaya not served by a central grid”.
The villages in Kalimantan and another island always at riverside. There are many big and deep rivers. So, the water wheel is suitable to make floating hydroelectric by using energy of river flow, without build a dam. The river flow is too slow, in 1996 I made a big water wheel, floated on the Pawan River. But what happen? The water wheel always stop running when front blades press the water down and rear blades lift up the water. Fortunately I created a new invention, namely: “Moving Blades Water Wheel” or “Kincir Ismun”. Kincir is an Indonesian languages for Water Wheel. Patent Number: ID 0 007 984.
This new invention is running smoothly. The power or torque is up to or function of the sink area of the blades and velocity of river flow. So, we can build floating hydroelectric power generator along the rivers, without make a dam in river. Without damage the ecosystem, green energy, and to decrease the global warning.
This Moving Blades Water Wheel also suitable for winds energy or combination of winds and water (sea and rivers), by vertical axis models.
Moving Blades Water Wheel, Microhydroelectric, at Selokan Mataram, Irigation channel, Yogyakarta Indonesia (5.000 Watt, AC). Patent No. ID 0 007 984
Floating Microhydroelectric at Kapuas River, West Borneo (Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia)
At Sekadau River, West Borneo
Wind Power Electric Generator, Moving Blades Water Wheel, vertical axis. Pantai Siung, Gunung Kidul, Wonosari Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Paten No. ID 0 007 984
sebenarnya gan....gan kincir ini terinspirasi dari mana sich...?
BalasHapusdan selain kincir apa lagi yang gan ciptakan?
BalasHapusDari kegagalan dan pantang menyerah. Tahun 1996 kubuat ukran raksasa. Lebar 2 m, diameter 5 m, tercelup 2 m ke dlam sungai Pawan, Ketapang,Kalbar. Ternyata sudu depan menekan air ke bawah dan sudu belakang mengangkat air ke atas. Poros tersendat-sendat, generator tidak mengeluarkan listrik. Dua tahun berdoa kepada Tuhan, saat melihat gerakan kaca nako, maka terciptalah Kincir Ismun Tersebut. Karena belum ada didunia, setelah diumumkan oleh Dirjen Paten, sejak tahun 1999, tahun 202 Hak Patennya keluar. Alhamdulillah, Puji Tuhan. Gitu.
BalasHapusTemuan lain adalah Pembuatan Briket Bioarang dan Tungku Bioarang. Ada dlm blogspot ini.